OSS/BSS Reports

Telecom Customer Assurance & Analytics

Telecom Risk Mgmt: Revenue Assurance, Fraud, Credit & Cost Management

The Telecom Billing & Charging Market 

Network Assurance, Service Assurance & Remote Test Software Market

Provisioning, Inventory & Service Management

Telecom Mediation: Market for Real-Time, Convergent & Value- Based Mediation

Telecom Integration Middleware, Network / Element Management Software




The OSS/BSS KnowledgeBase TM

Dittberner’s OSS/BSS KnowledgeBaseTM is a market research designed to help telecoms and OSS/BSS vendors track the OSS/BSS solutions and innovations.

The KnowledgeBase is designed to track the growing number of OSS/BSS vendors emerging in the market.  An estimated 162 OSS/BSS vendors already exist.  That number is likely to grow because of two factors: 1) next generation networks will demand more functionality; and 2) integration technology such as J2EE and OSS/J is making it easier for new solution vendor to emerge as components of a larger OSS/BSS architecture.

The Dittberner KnowledgeBase helps carriers and vendors get control of this fast-growing body of knowledge and competitive advantage.

A common problem with other telecom research programs is that information is scattered across many research reports and newsletters with no means for quickly retrieving it for competitive analysis and vendor evaluation.

Dittberner’s OSS/BSS KnowledgeBase solves that problem by delivering a fully organized body of knowledge via a web interface.  This approach allows users to drill down through keyword and indexed searches to the precise information they need.

The KnowledgeBase permits indexed and keyword search of Dittberner’s current and historical analysis, drawing on some 5,400 pages of analyst reports across a wide spectrum of OSS/BSS topics.  As new innovation trends are discovered and analyzed, that information is integrated into the OSS/BSS framework.

Here is a list of major modules in the KnowledgeBase:

•Billing Systems
•Mediation Systems
•Customer Assurance: CRM, Retention  & the Call Center
•E-Business & Web Self-Care
•Data Warehouse, Bus. Intelligence & Analytics
•Revenue Assurance, Profit Maximization & Data Integrity
•Provisioning Systems
•Service Assurance & Network Care
•Network Inventory & & Numbering
•Service Activation & Telecom Discovery
•Field Service Automation
•Fraud & Security

Other general modules include sections on “OSS/BSS & Integration Technology” and a guide to “Marketing & Selling Telecom OSS/BSS Solutions.”

We not only track the products and companies in the BSS/OSS market, we also provide full market financials on an annual basis.

The Dittberner KnowledgeBase contains a comprehensive 342-line item comparison of OSS/BSS product and service “tech specs” for 259 solutions now available on the open market.  The major technical categories include:

•Product/Service Description
•Product-Specific Contacts
•BSS/OSS Functional Categories
•Product Features by Category
•How Solution is Bundled/Deployed
•Network Services Supported
•Network Equipment Supported
•Telecom Types Served
•Geographic Regions Served
•Product Delivery & Integration
•Pricing & Distribution
•Computing Architecture
•Reference Telecom Accounts

The “product/service specs” drive Dittberner’s unique “Buyer’s Guide”, an on-line capability to compare and group those products and services anyway the user so chooses, then print out or export the comparison to Excel or a database.

On an annual basis, Dittberner conducts interviews with all the major OSS/BSS vendors. 

Those interviews are used to deliver an annual financial analysis of each major industry sector.  Here is where Dittberner sizes and forecasts the market in terms of vendor market share, and what carriers types and regions of the world that are buying the solution. 

 Dittberner maintains an independent, objective view of the marketplace.  The Dittberner approach minimizes bias because Dittberner learns about industry trends from both the vendor and carrier perspective.

Dittberner’s research methodology begins by identifying new solution trends.  As new OSS/BSS solutions are discovered, Dittberner analyzes the market to understand the solution’s key functions, features, and benefits.  Carrier and vendors interviews are then conducted to determine which vendors are selling the solution and which carriers are using it. 

Finally, Dittberner provides further value added analysis tailored to carriers and vendors.  For instance, telecoms are provided lessons learned and advice how to select the best solutions to reduce their risks.  Vendors learn what carrier priorities are, what competitors are doing, and where profitable niche opportunities lie.


Dittberner Associates
4341 Montgomery Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814

Tel: (301) 652-8350