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The Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Boom: Is Your Sales/Engineering Team Equipped to Win its Share of the Business?

The rush to build enterprise clouds and data centers is an explosive megatrend — and a golden opportunity for solution providers to make money as enterprise IT chases this powerful new paradigm.

But the richest prizes go only to sales and engineering teams who can drive an effective and streamlined requirements-to-design-to-order process.  Many providers face major challenges moving forward:

As a result, these providers lose business they should win.  Their designs generally: take too long to complete and quote; lack sufficient accuracy, detail, and options; and can‘t be changed on-the-fly to meet the customer’s price point or last minute requirements.

Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Paper

Happily, there is a path forward.  The answer is for solution providers to equip themselves with a collaborative solution design platform, a proven way to speed up and synchronize the work of salespeople, engineers, and senior design experts.

So what should you be looking for in such a platform?  Well, getting answers to that question is precisely the goal of a white paper TRI has authored entitled: The Data Center and Cloud Infrastructure Boom: Is Your Sales/Engineering Team Equipped to Win its Share of the Business?

This 11-page paper, sponsored by Netformx, paints a picture of what an ideal platform looks like.  Armed with that information, you should be better prepared to assess whether a particular platform is right for your team.

After getting multiple briefings and talking to two solution providers using these platforms, I narrowed down the key capabilities of an ideal platform to eight (8) key capabilities.  The paper basically walks you through those capabilities, explaining the sales/engineering problems that each is intended to solve.

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